• Exam Preparation

    Get started preparing for the CFE Exam today. Whether you prefer to attend a live event or study on your own, the ACFE has the resources you need to prepare for the CFE Exam.

    Study on Your Own

    Get the flexibility you need to prepare for and pass the rigorous CFE Exam on your schedule. Choose from a variety self-study exam preparation options to find the resource that best meets your needs.

    Benefits of Studying on Your Own

    • Study on Your Schedule: Study whenever it is convenient for you. Create a study schedule that is ideal for you with the flexibility to easily change it if your situation changes.
    • Study Where You Want: Prepare for the CFE Exam from your home, work, a coffee shop or wherever is most comfortable and works for you.
    • Multiple Exam Preparation Options: Choose from a variety of self-study exam preparation options to find the option that best meet your needs, from a reference manual to exam preparation software bundled with additional resources.
    • Budget-Friendly Options: Starting at just $119.20, there is a self-study exam preparation designed to work for any budget.

    Attend a Live Event

    Get the structure you need to prepare for and pass the rigorous CFE Exam. The live, in-person CFE Exam Review Course offers you four days of guidance in a from experienced instructors in a classroom setting.

    Benefits of Attending a Live Event

    • Live In-Person Guidance: Receive live guidance from experienced instructors.
    • Fast Track: Participate in an intense, four-day preparation period.
    • In-Class Discussion: Participate in open discussions on a variety of fraud prevention and detection topics.
    • Team Environment: Meet others preparing for the CFE Exam and practicing CFE instructors to help you organize study sessions, review materials, and to provide you with tips and processes designed for the working professional's busy schedule.
    • On-Site Testing: Take advantage of the option to test onsite. Go home knowing you've passed your CFE Exam.

    Compare Study Methods

    Exam Prep Comparison Table
    Exam Prep Comparison Table