Group Training

Increase your team’s ability to detect and prevent fraud with knowledge and solutions that can be applied immediately in a cost-effective way with Group Training. Our instructors bring years of fraud fighting experience directly to you by using course
materials from the world's leading provider of anti-fraud education.
Get your team on the fast track to passing the CFE Exam with a Group Training CFE Exam Review Course. Our expert instructors travel to your organization and give your staff the tools they need to pass the CFE Exam in an efficient 4-day course.
Learn more about the CFE Exam Review Course Group Training Program.
Virtual Anti-Fraud Team Training Available
Get in-depth, livestream training for any number of employees with no travel required. Virtual classes can be viewed from multiple locations at once and offer a convenient way for you to provide high-quality training to your teams.
Use the form below and tell us about your organization's unique training needs. Our Group Training Coordinator will follow up, answer any questions, and help bring the ACFE's premiere
anti-fraud training directly to your organization.
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By entering your email address, you consent to receive communications from the ACFE containing information and offers designed to assist you in your anti-fraud efforts. You can withdraw your consent at any time.